Category: Business

Handling Debt
The Quran has 35 verses relating to finance and economics. The revelation of the Quran concluded with verse 2:281 warning traders in business and econ...

The Much Needed System of Waqf (Endowment)
Based on a post by Mufti Abdullah Nana of California, USA.
The topic is extremely crucial for the long term preservation of ‘non-government backed’...

Maximise Profits
While Muslim consumers are encouraged to support Muslim businesses, here are tips for the businesses to attract customers (and increase profits).

Commercial Morality
The Quraan states: ‘When the (Friday) prayer is complete, disperse through the land and seek the bounty of Allah (through trade or lawful activity.’ T...

Financial Freedom
Here's how Islam liberates one financially:
1. Matter of Choice. We came into this world sustenance-guaranteed from our creator. However, it is our...

Islamic Finance
There are many terminologies prevalent in the financial world of today, yet these concepts were addressed by Islamic law more than a thousand years ag...
Increase your Wealth
1. Constantly worshiping Allah Ta'ala
The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, "Allah says, ‘O son of Adam! Take time out to constantly worship...

Agriculture and Farming
After trade, Sheikh Zakariyya rahimahullah rates agriculture as the best occupation:
Charity. “Should a man plant a tree or busy himself with farmi...