Category: Current Issues

Reflections on Earthquakes
The February 2023 earthquakes which struck Turkey and Syria saw over 52,000 people lose their lives. It is an opportune moment to answer some question...

Islam and Homosexuality
There are several challenges that are facing Muslims which were not even an issue a generation or two back. One of the most serious of these is that o...

Islam in Ukraine
The Ukraine conflict has been dominating the mainstream news of late to such an extent that you cannot avoid it. Every major news outlet is covering t...

Water Crisis
The Eastern Cape and in particular Port Elizabeth is facing an imminent water crisis (June 2022). If no good rains fall soon, forecasts show that some...

Afghanistan in History
Afghanistan is in the news of late due to the American withdrawal and the victory of the Taliban. Contrary to the western image being portrayed of a b...

Free Speech
A topic that comes up regularly in the news is the issue of derogatory and hurtful insults in the media in various forms against the Noble Prophet Muh...

CSE in Schools
Comprehensive Sex Education And Islamic Morality
The Department of Basic Education in South Africa has rolled out the Comprehensive Sex Education (...

Dealing with Terror
As incidents of terror get increasingly blamed on Muslims and Islam, here are some things we can do in non Muslim majority countries:
1. Put what w...

Go Green Islamically
Ibrahim Abdul Matin, author of the book “Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet,” starts that book off with this line: "The Earth ...

Noah Movie Guidelines
Hollywood has released a movie called Noah, supposedly depicting Prophet Nuh (Noah) alaihis salaam. There are several reasons why Muslims have a probl...