Category: Articles

1 2 3 4 12 20 / 116 POSTS
The Martial Spirit

The Martial Spirit

In this world there is a strong link between cause and effect. This is a system which Allah Ta’ala has put into place for us. Our bodies are a trust f...
Islam and Literacy

Islam and Literacy

We have been created with enquiring minds. Mankind has constantly looked for ways to improve the quality of life and has made steady progress in inven...
Lessons from Surah Mumin

Lessons from Surah Mumin

Surah Mumin is the 40th Surah of the Noble Quran. It is the first of seven Surahs that begin with the letters Haa Meem. Collectively they are known as...


Mountains are a creation of Allah Ta’ala which are mentioned in the Noble Quran and the Hadith. They played a role as the setting for significant even...
Reflections on Earthquakes

Reflections on Earthquakes

The February 2023 earthquakes which struck Turkey and Syria saw over 52,000 people lose their lives. It is an opportune moment to answer some question...
Perfumes and the Sunnah

Perfumes and the Sunnah

Implementing the lifestyle of the Noble Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam within our lives in all aspects is something that we need to aspire to. Im...
The Uniqueness of Madinah Munawwarah

The Uniqueness of Madinah Munawwarah

Allah Ta’ala has designated certain pieces of earth as having more virtue than others. Of these, the most virtuous are Makkah Mukarramah and Madinah M...
Bringing Joy to others

Bringing Joy to others

As Muslims we claim to love Allah Ta’ala and His Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. There needs to be some form of verification of that claim. It ...
Lessons from Surah Hashr

Lessons from Surah Hashr

There are several lessons in Surah Hashr, the 59th chapter of the Noble Quran, which are relevant to our current situation and which can be applied to...
Giving Gifts

Giving Gifts

One of Allah Ta’ala’s qualities is that He is Al Wahhab, the One who gives in abundance. Hibah in Arabic refers to making someone the owner of an item...
1 2 3 4 12 20 / 116 POSTS