Category: Articles

1 6 7 8 9 10 12 80 / 118 POSTS
Sultan Suleiman I

Sultan Suleiman I

Suleiman I (born 1494, died 1566) was Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 to 1566. He personally led armies to conquer Belgrade, Rhodes, the Balkan...
Sayyid Abdullah Hassan

Sayyid Abdullah Hassan

Sayyid Muhammad Abdullah Hassan (born 1856, Somalia, died 1920, Ogaden) was Somalia's religious and nationalist leader (called the ‘Mad Mullah’ by the...

Haroon Ar Rashid

Haroon Ar Rashid (Born 763 in Rayy, Iran. Died 809 Mashhad, Iran) was the fifth and most famous Abbasid Caliph. He ruled from 786 to 809, and his time...

Syed Ahmad Shaheed

Syed Ahmad Shaheed of Rai Bareilly (b.1786 d.1831) was a warrior from India who, under the influence of Shah Abdul Aziz, son of Shah Waliullah, raised...

Moulana Ishaaq Ackerdien

In this series, we look briefly at the life and achievements of the Ulama and Mashaaikh of PE/Uitenhage. The profiling is in no particular order. N...

Sheikh Abdul Qadir al Jazairi

Name: Abdul Qadir. Born: 1808 Mascara, Algeria. Died: 1883 Damascus, Syria. Abdul Qadir was an Algerian Islamic scholar, Sufi and political and mil...

Hedley Churchward

Born Hedley Churchward, his name was changed to Mahmoud Mobarek after he converted to Islam. Born in Aldershot, England. Died 1929, Johannesburg. C...
The Art of not Knowing

The Art of not Knowing

Imam Malik ibn Anas rahimahullah was one of the most respected scholars of fiqh. Once a man came to him from far away and asked him 40 questions. Imam...
Go Green Islamically

Go Green Islamically

Ibrahim Abdul Matin, author of the book “Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet,” starts that book off with this line: "The Earth ...
Forgotten Fathers

Forgotten Fathers

The important role of a mother is defined for a Muslim in the famous Hadith which highlights the mother’s rights thrice. What we tend to overlook is t...
1 6 7 8 9 10 12 80 / 118 POSTS