Category: Quran

Lessons from Surah Mumin
Surah Mumin is the 40th Surah of the Noble Quran. It is the first of seven Surahs that begin with the letters Haa Meem. Collectively they are known as...

Mountains are a creation of Allah Ta’ala which are mentioned in the Noble Quran and the Hadith. They played a role as the setting for significant even...

Lessons from Surah Hashr
There are several lessons in Surah Hashr, the 59th chapter of the Noble Quran, which are relevant to our current situation and which can be applied to...

My Hifz Journey
By Hafiz Dr Ebrahim Mayet, who completed Hifz at the age of 64
What I write now is my personal journey to becoming a Hafiz of the Noble Quran. It b...

Lessons for the Seeker of Knowledge
from the Life of Prophet Musa alaihis salaam
Prophet Musa alaihis salaam was instructed by Allah Ta’ala to journey in search of Khidr alaihis salaa...