Category: Social

A Lesson of Ramadaan
As we move beyond Ramadaan, one of the lessons that we need to carry forward is the quality of generosity. The Prophet sallall...

Preserving Faith
Many a Muslim enjoyed the acts of worship associated with Ramadaan – Salaah, Taraweeh, fasting, reciting the Noble Quran, charity and so forth. But th...

Giving Gifts
One of Allah Ta’ala’s qualities is that He is Al Wahhab, the One who gives in abundance. Hibah in Arabic refers to making someone the owner of an item...

Through the course of our lives, we are subject to the influence of people around us. In our early days our parents shape our character and behavior, ...

Allah Ta’ala has given us bounties which are ours to use. But these bounties come with a price and certain conditions. We enjoy wealth and it belongs ...

The Porn Trap
Islam has put in place a set of laws that takes into account our natural instincts, failings, how our minds work, as well as what is beneficial and de...

Aim High
Abul Faraj Abdur Rahmaan ibn al Jawzi rahimahullah was a scholar par excellence, a prolific author and a profound thinker. He was a model for high amb...

The Reality of Trials
Muslims will endure many trials throughout their lives. Allah Ta’ala tests us with hardship and also prosperity in order to validate the sincerity of ...

Muhsin? Who’s that?
It starts with Islam, which has five pillars. Then it's iman (faith), which has six pillars. Finally, it's Ihsaan (excellence), the uppermost level in...

The Art of not Knowing
Imam Malik ibn Anas rahimahullah was one of the most respected scholars of fiqh. Once a man came to him from far away and asked him 40 questions. Imam...