1 2 3 4 16 20 / 154 POSTS
The Napoleonic Code

The Napoleonic Code

In 18th century Europe a man by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte was launching a bid to build a French Empire. He came to prominence after the French Re...
Notes on Libya

Notes on Libya

The North African country of Libya has been in the news of late due to the catastrophic floods of September 2023. Over three thousand people are confi...
Islam in Constantia

Islam in Constantia

The area of Constantia in Cape Town is now an affluent suburb of the city. It was originally the forest used to supply the Dutch settlement in the Cap...
The Expiry Date

The Expiry Date

In life we have milestones that mark our transition from one phase to another. When we were young it is our school exams, matric and so forth. Often, ...
The Martial Spirit

The Martial Spirit

In this world there is a strong link between cause and effect. This is a system which Allah Ta’ala has put into place for us. Our bodies are a trust f...
Islam and Literacy

Islam and Literacy

We have been created with enquiring minds. Mankind has constantly looked for ways to improve the quality of life and has made steady progress in inven...
1 2 3 4 16 20 / 154 POSTS