Happiness versus Pleasure
One of the inbuilt human traits is to seek ease, comfort and happiness in all things. This extends to life, death, the grave and the Hereafter. In thi...
CSE in Schools
Comprehensive Sex Education And Islamic Morality
The Department of Basic Education in South Africa has rolled out the Comprehensive Sex Education (...
Majestic Makkah Mukarramah
The Impact of Nabi Ebrahim alaihis salaam on the city and the Hajj
The story of Makkah Mukarramah and the Hajj is interwoven into the story of Prop...
Aim High
Abul Faraj Abdur Rahmaan ibn al Jawzi rahimahullah was a scholar par excellence, a prolific author and a profound thinker. He was a model for high amb...
Slow Down
We live in the age of speed. We strain to be more efficient, to cram more into each minute, each hour, each day. The cult of speed has pushed us to a ...
Humanitarian Aid to the West
Sultan Abdul Hamid II's humanitarian aid to the United States of America, 1894
An original document was recently uncovered in the Ottoman Yıldız Ar...
Dogs and Sheep
With the abundance of evil around us it’s easy to get disillusioned and lose heart. When one hears about the increase in crime, the high divorce rate,...
Ten Deeds for Protection and Blessings
The following may be done in any home/business/premises, be it new or old.
Deeds for Protection
Recite Surah Baqarah
Sayyiduna Abu Umamah ...
Five Steps to a Happier Life
Every human is in pursuit of happiness. In order to achieve this true happiness, one must understand what this emotion really is. Happiness is ‘feelin...