Dealing with Terror


Dealing with Terror

As incidents of terror get increasingly blamed on Muslims and Islam, here are some things we can do in non Muslim majority countries:

1. Put what we see/hear in the media in context: Don’t let your feeling of success be defined by what the media or politicians choose to portray; remember that success is defined by Allah alone. Do not let the idea that just because a Muslim did something horrendous make you feel guilty.

Action: Do not let the news cycles define your self-image. Be aware of the public mood, but define your life by the real actions that you can do that will positively impact the community.

2. Give your neighbors a good impression of Islam: Be a dutiful neighbor so much so that they would miss you once you’ve died.

Action: Share your cooking with a few of your neighbours. Invite them for tea, get to know them and give the opportunity to question you about Islam.

3. The BBC does not control anybody’s destiny, but Allah Ta’ala does: So remember who to direct your complaint to and remember who to rely upon.

Action: After the incident at Taif, the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ‘O Allah! Unto You do I complain of my weakness, of my helplessness and of my lowliness before men…There is no power and no might except through Thee.’ The Quran (27:62) says: ‘Is He [not best] who responds to the desperate one when he calls upon Him and removes evil and makes you inheritors of the earth?’ 


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